Chapter Books

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Updated Dec 2018

My daughter, Sofie, has really hit her stride with reading and devours books faster than I can get them these days. By giving a child a book you are giving them so much more than words on paper. You are giving them the chance to expand their minds, to ignite their imaginations, to be inspired and to catch a glimpse into situations they may never experience themselves. At the moment, I particularly like historical books, either fiction or based on true stories, as they also give her a bit of a history lesson. 

Books make great gifts anytime of year, so I thought I'd share some of her favorites over the last few years. These titles have also been greatly enjoyed by many of her friends. For younger children, many of these would be great to read together (in particular, the Grace Lin books). Click through the book image to learn more and purchase though Amazon.

I started this list last year (2017) and am now updating it with Sofie’s favorite books from 2018, for reference she is now 10 and in 5th Grade. All images are from Amazon.

2018 List

The Magic Misfits

By Neil Patrick Harris

A Witch’s Kitchen

By Dianna Sanchez

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Mango Delight

By Fracaswell Hyman

The Fourteenth Goldfish

By Jennifer L. Holm

2017 List

The Land of Stories Series

By Chris Colfer

THE book series with 3rd and 4th graders. My daughter couldn't put them down, the same goes for many of her classmates.

Sofie recommends for 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders.


By R.J. Palacio

If you have not heard of the book yet you have likely at least heard of the movie. Both are fantastic (bring tissues if you see the movie). Sofie has stressed to me that the book is even better. I am so impressed with this book. It covers some serious topics head on and yet has managed to capture the interest of her all of her peers. It is so well done.

Sofie thinks every human should read this one.

Fairytale Reform School Series

By Jen Calonita

About a reform school made up of students from fairytales who need some help behaving.

Sofie recommends this one for 3rd and 4th graders.

Half Upon a Time Trilogy

By James Riley

Another series that plays with fairytales.

Sofie recommends this set for 3rd and 4th graders.


This book has really made an impact on our daughter. She has told me she thinks I should read it too, and so I plan to.

Per Sofie: It is super duper meaningful and shows you that you should express yourself. Recommended for 4th and 5th Graders.

A Long Walk to Water

By Linda Sue Park

Based on a true story and a NY Times bestseller. It tells the stories of two 11 year old children in Sudan, a girl in 2008 and a boy in 1985. Sofie says there are some very sad parts but it is very worthwhile.

Sofie recommends for 4th and 5th graders.

Story Thieves Series

By James Riley

Per Sofie: About 2 worlds, one fictional and one non-fictional. A little confusing but still a great and exciting read.

Sofie recommends this series for 4th graders.

Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere

By Julia T Lamana

About a girl eagerly preparing for her 10th birthday party when Hurricane Katrina hits and her world changes forever. There are some sad parts but Sofie still enthusastically recommends it.

Sofie recommends for 4th and 5th grades.

Alvin Ho

By Grace Lin

A funny and entertaining read. Exposes kids to a some Chinese culture.

Some other notable mentioned by Grace Lin for this age group are Dumpling Days, The Year of the Rat and the Year of the Dog.

Sofie recommends for 2nd Graders.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

By Grace Lin

For a more advance reader than her Alvin Ho series.

Sofie recommends for 3rd Graders.


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